Microsoft's internet browser, known as Internet Explorer; sometimes abbreviated as 'IE', has come under criticism recently for having serious security vulnerabilities. This is not good news for Microsoft, as other browsers on the market are capable alternatives.

It all started when Google email accounts were hacked in China via an exploited security loophole within Internet Explorer 6. Human rights activists were targeted, with Google later threatening to pull out of China completely.

Google is a huge organisation, and definitely has the ability to dent Microsoft's reputation. However, matters soon became worse, with both the German and French governments warning citizens against using IE and to find an alternative browser. The UK Government is supporting Microsoft however, not issuing any warnings, and claiming there is minimal risk.

The two most viable alternatives are Mozilla's Firefox and Google's Chrome. Both are fantastic web browsers, and completely wipe the floor with IE. They are both faster, more reliable and comply to relevant web standards (such as Acid3). Other rival software includes Apple's Safari and Opera. Obviously the security vulnerability affects PC users more, as Internet Explorer for Mac was discontinued in 2003.

Now, you'd think the security issues would only affect version 6 of IE, but no; researchers have developed code that can exploit the same vulnerability within Internet Explorer 7. Microsoft say they are working hard to release a patch to solve the issues, but have no specific release date. 

"As a web developer I can honestly say that banning IE altogether would be the best thing ever to happen in my career. People who use it deserve to be hacked as far as I'm concerned."
Matt (The Telegraph - Comments Section)

Even though Google have been hacked, they must be sitting with a smug grin on their face, as thousands of users now flock to alternative browsers.

Personally, I now use Google's Chrome all the time, on both PC and Mac. It rarely crashes, has a simple but innovative GUI, and is extremely fast. Firefox is equally as good, and surpasses Internet Explorer in almost every aspect. Software updates are also very frequent and therefore both browsers are improving all the time.

Internet Explorer is the most popular browser in the world; peaking at 95% usage share in 2004, and since declining to 62%. It could soon see its user base drastically fall, with Firefox currently occupying 24%, Chrome 5%, Safari 4% and Opera 1%.

Posted on 1/19/2010 by JUDICIOUS JOE and filed under | 0 Comments »


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